
Krunch offers one to one mentoring and alternative education placements for children and young people aged 9-19 years.

Our aim is to support children and young people to improve their emotional health and wellbeing.  We take a trauma informed approach to empower our mentees to become more self-aware, set short term goals to help them achieve their potential, as well as overcome barriers to learning.

We offer person-centred mentoring sessions focused around the young person’s voice, whilst partnering with other organisations who may offer additional support.  We challenge, support and empower and advocate for children and young people.

Our daytime programmes of learning and support are delivered onsite at our premises or on school/college site and also out in the community.  All of our work can be accredited and certificated with Open College Network West Midlands to promote a sense of achievement for our mentees.

Krunch has an experienced staff team with a wide range of  expertise and qualifications: Teaching, Youth work,  Mentoring, Trauma Recovery approaches, Information, Advice and Guidance, Coaching,  Psychology, Core Competencies in Mental Health and Counselling.

How to refer to our services?

To refer a young person aged between 9 and 19 years to any of our services, please call or email / 0121 552 5556 to request a referral form.


We have found Krunch to be flexible in their approach, reliable, professional and enthusiastic in their work with young people from varying backgrounds.

Sandwell Connexions