School Holiday Activities




All sessions include either a hot meal or a picnic.

Activities are for young people aged 11 to 16 years old (currently school years 6 to 11). We will also accept 10 years olds who will be starting year 7 in September 24. Young people attending must live, or attend school, in South Gloucestershire.

Places are limited and a waiting list will be used when sessions are full.

All activities are free of charge for those on free school meals as they are funded by South Gloucestershire Council’s Holiday Activity and Food Programme. A small charge applies to those not on free school meals.

The Pod is next to Thornbury Skate Park (behind Thornbury Leisure Centre), BS35 3JB.  Please bring a named water bottle to each session.

Food will be provided for all participants at all activities.

In addition, The Pod kitchen will be open to purchase additional snacks/tuc if required.

Activities may need to be changed in the event of adverse weather conditions.



Please also complete a Krunch Registration Form for each participant here:

If you have any questions please email


Take a look at this video to see some of our previous HAF sessions:


*South Gloucestershire Council has commissioned us to provide free places for children who get benefits-related free school meals (not universal infant free school meals) through Department for Education (DfE) funding. We can use this funding allocation to provide free places for children who are not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals but who the local authority believe could benefit from HAF provision. These could include children and young people from the following groups:

-children assessed by the local authority as being in need, at risk or vulnerable
– young carers
– looked-after children or previously looked after children
– children with an EHC plan (education, health and care)
– children with refugee status